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Community Service Center

In the Navy, Army, etc.--Coordinating a representative (Lt. Tracy Thorne) from the newly-formed Campaign for Military Service, the Center assisted the Cleveland City Club in presenting a forum on gaylesbian discrimination in the military on Febrary 26. Attendees (and later, Channel 25 viewers) were treated to a lively dialogue featuring a profoundly misguided ballistic major general (retired), a Biblequoting phobe from the floor (shouted down by City Club regulars) and probing comments and question from numerous family in attendance

Design for Living--Swatches and paint samples of salute to DIFFA (Design and Interior Furnishing Foundation for AIDS) for its recent $12,500 grant to our Living Room program.

Ahem! Out in the Open, the Center's speaker bureau, offers lesbian-gay-positive points and counterpoints all over northeast Ohio. Recent bookings: KentAshtabula, Baldwin-Wallace, several churches and Black and White Men Together.

This program is in great need of two cooordinators who'd like to work behind the scenes booking speakers, assisting with training and generally keeping things in order. If you appreciate the importance of continuing education, but are not in the oratorical mode, we could use your assis-


Inner Beauty on a Shoestring-Recent checks from Stonewall Union, Monotones and the Unitarian Universalists to our renovation effort has enabled us to purchase over $500 in equipment to overhaul the electrical layout of our offices.

To outlets for our gratitude: Mark, Jerry and Carlos who've donated their Sundays to putting in the whole new system.

We're still shy of $850 to purchase new drop ceilings.

Any good souls or community groups who could raise our new roof wiht a check to this tune would be bequeathing a beautiful new lid over all the efforts of the past six month. Our continuing appreciation to



Drew, Bob, Laura, the two Pauls, the two Jims, David, Steve, Tim--all our regular and irregular Renovationists.

One Good Intern Deserves AnotherOur Intern Program welcomes Erica Moore (Oberlin College) and Patrick Nicolin (Union Institute) to the Center. These two students will be devoting their three months' practicum on revising our law enforcement training workshop.

College students in many areas of gaylesbian or HIV studies receive college credit for working at the Center. Call us for more details.

Thank-you Cards--The annual Living Room holiday card sold from November to January raised over $2,000 for the program. Wreathes of appreciation to Rick Mordesovich, John Koncar and their many elves--plus all who purchased cards--for making this effort a great gift to our HIV work.

Lavender Kilowatz-Buck Harris's new radio show premieres on WHK 1420 AM Friday evening, March 19 with local guests, executive director Leigh Robertson and director of services Aubrey Wertheim. We're workin on tasty and tingling sound bytes to thrill community ears and tantalize John/Jane Non-Q Public.

Thievery Rebuffed--Publicity of our recent burglary has resulted in three generous community donations enabling us to replace our lost laser printer. Hugs to all anonymous three of you.

Second District police apprehended a red-handed suspect Tuesday, March 8 who may be responsible for a number of car thefts in the Center area. If your car was broken into over the past few months, please contact us or the Second Precinct to inquire.

To volunteer, become a member/donor, or respond to any of the above: LesbianGay Community Service Center, 1418 W. 29th St., Cleveland, OH 44113, 522-1999.▼

This space has been provided to the Center by the Chronicle, and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Chronicle staff or management.

Chevrei Tikva

Cleveland's Synagogue with an outreach to the Lesbian and Gay community P.O. BOX 18120 Cleveland, Ohio 44118 (216) 932-5551


Member of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and the World Congress of Gay and Lesbian Jewish Organizations.

by Paul Zeitzew Three important events take place at Chevrei Tikva in April. The first is our tenth annual Community Seder. In recent years we have developed the second night of Passover for this event. In many homes the first two nights is the occasion for this celebration. Chevrei Tikva decided to make the second night "our home". The seder is always a time to invite our non-Jewish friends to enjoy with us. Although, primarily a Jewish observance, many churches sponsor this event, since it is the occasion of the Last Supper. Many women's groups of mixed denominations have Women's Seders.

From the book of Exodus, the Passover is the time when Moses was able to have the Jews freed from slavery in Egypt and set out for the Promised Land, which took 40 years. It was during this time that Moses was summoned to Mt. Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments from God.

Our Hagadah (order of service) is a modern, non-sexist book that includes modern problems. Where the traditional book lists only the ten plagues of the Bible, our book has ten more for plagues against all people today and ten again for offenses to women.

The Seder will take place on Tuesday evening, April 3 at 7:00 pm. Since our attendance has grown over the past years, it is no longer feasible to do pot-lucks. This

year it will take place at a Cleveland Heights restaurant where a wonderful meal of Passover foods will be served.

The second, a more somber event, is the Holocaust Remembrance Service. The actual day for this event is April 18 which is the anniversary of the uprising of the Warsaw ghetto. At Chevrei Tikva we observe this on the nearest Sabbath, this year being Friday, April 16 at 8:30, at the Unitarian Society in Cleveland Heights.

The theme this year will be "If there's anything as horrifying as the Holocaust, it's forgetting it ever happened." This seems to be ever important with the new wave of anti-Semitism and homophobia going on in the world.

Our third event began at the end of February and will be ongoing. That is the sale of the AIDS Awareness ribbon pin. The cost of the pin is $5.00 each with the entire profits being split between the AIDS Housing Council and the Free Clinic. Chevrei Tikva keeps no profit on this. (A recent national catalog showed this pin, on sale, at $6.95.) Pins will be available at a few local stores or from members of Chevrei Tikva. If you have not seen them and wish to aid these two good Cleveland causes, please contact us on the Chevrei TikvaLine at 932-5551.

This space has been provided to Chevrei Tikva by the Chronicle, and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Chronicle staff or management.